Plant Collections
Nestled at the top of Strawberry Canyon, the 34-acre UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley contains the largest collection in North America of wild-collected plants from nearly every continent, with an emphasis on species from Mediterranean climates.
Here you’ll see an incredibly biodiverse landscape containing more than 10,000 kinds of plants, including many rare and endangered species. A priceless resource for research, conservation, education, and enjoyment—the Garden offers something new to see and learn with every visit.
Documenting a Living Collection
We extensively document our plants and capture every stage of their life cycles, making them invaluable for research and conservation. As you stroll through the property, notice that each plant is carefully labeled, giving the accession number, family name, scientific name, place of origin and, when appropriate, its common name. We maintain detailed records for each plant that comes into our collections, considerably enhancing its scientific and educational value.
Explore the collections below, then plan your next visit to the Garden! Locate your area of interest on the Garden map.
Geographic Collections

Ethnobotanical Collections

Virginia Haldan Tropical House
Taxonomic Collections

Orchid, Fern, and Carnivorous Plant House

Nationally Recognized Plant Collections