For Members only: The Garden invites you to be a part of a special Artist in Residency project.
We are excited to introduce artist Forest Stearns of DRAWEVERYWHERE Studios who has launched an interactive Artist in Residency (AiR) project, Plein AiR Patrol, at the Garden. Once a month, Forest will serve as host for a meet-up of artists at any level (beginners to experienced) to engage in a regular practice of outdoor drawing/painting inspired by the diverse settings of the UC Botanical Garden. Meet-ups start in February and will run through August, culminating in a September show. Forest will choose a Friday date to be posted at least one month in advance, with the Garden locale to be revealed during check-in.
During the meet-up you can shadow Forest in action and ask questions, discover other artists’ style and approach, work on your own piece, share in practice, and see the Garden in new ways. All that is required is a UCBG membership and your desire to explore plein air art-making with others. Online registration for each meet-up is free and enabled when you Sign In for membership verification. Suggested materials to bring will be sent in advance if you are new to this art form. Come to any session as the dates become available. We encourage you to share this opportunity with others!
Member’s must pre-register to join as space is limited—use the Register link below.
If this date is full, please email gardenprograms@berkeley.edu to be added to our notification list and hear about future openings.